Community Guidelines

Cereal feels strongly in the value of free expression and that you, as an author, should have creative freedom to write stories as you please. We also want to protect authors and readers from abuse and hostility so that Cereal is a joyful and safe place to read. This guideline outlines examples of limitations we may enforce to uphold community standards.

These guidelines apply to both content as well as comments.

If you have violated these guidelines, Cereal will work with you to remedy the violation so you can continue to use the service. We understand that writing may contain some of these elements for journalistic or non-harmful reasons (as an example: a fictional depicition of doxxing a fictional character is permissible). However, as outlined in our Terms, Cereal reserves the right to remove content or terminate accounts for any reason, including violations of community guidelines, determined at our sole discretion. Content removal is a measure of last resort to protect the safety and well being of the community.

If you find a violation of these community guidelines, please report them to us:
