Patreon authors
retain subscribers|

Meet Cereal Reads - an e-reader that integrates with your Patreon,
giving readers an experience that makes them want to stick around

Meet Cereal Reads - an e-reader that integrates with your Patreon, giving readers an experience that makes them want to stick around

Trusted by authors with over 10,000 members
to give readers a subscription worthy experience

Looking for your next binge?

Download the Cereal app to start reading.

Read in the app. Manage your content on the website.

Google Play Store LinkApple App Store Link

Just 5 minutes until you're a published Cereal author

2 Steps to Publish

  • Import your posts from Patreon.
  • Organize into chapters and books.

Readers authenticate via Patreon and get access based on their tier.

2 Click Import from Patreon


Patreon Companion Icon

Cereal works alongside Patreon

After initial set-up, new Patreon posts automatically appear in the Cereal app for your readers. Keep your same workflow, no double posting. Just more value for your readers.

" eyes lit up seeing there were 20 or so extra chapters on Patreon. So I signed up, and… good god there is something so off-putting about the [Patreon] reading experience..."

- u/LaFolieDeLaNuit

Improve your Monetization

Writing is fun. Making money is hard.

Cereal helps you grow and monetize
your readers with little interruption to writing.


When it comes to long term success with serial writing, retention is a key component. Cereal is geared toward helping authors retain their hard-earned readers.

How Cereal Helps:

  • Clear Backlog - Make your backlog discoverable, providing an improved experience for new readers. They're paying for content, make sure it's easy to access.
  • Easy Navigation- Your reading platform shouldn't distract from your work. Cereal makes reading and navigating your chapters easy!
  • Comment Away- In-line comments are the best way to get engaged and loyal fans.


Finding new readers can often feel like an uphill battle, and Cereal is determined to help authors streamline that process.

Our soon-to-launch discovery features make it easy for readers to find, subscribe, and fall in love with new authors!

We're building with the reader in mind, and we won't bury rising authors under sponsored content.

How Cereal Helps:

  • Analyze your Audience - Use analytics to determine which chapters are driving the most clicks to your Patreon and more.
Coming Soon


Turn free readers into paying subscribers!

So, a reader has found you. Now what? Use teaser chapters to convert readers, run winback campaigns, and so much more!

How Cereal Helps:

  • Cereal is here to help - No more linking off to Patreon and hoping your free content users follow it. We'll offer in-app signups.
  • Win back subscribers - When discovery and subscriptions happen in different websites, you lose your chance to winback a customer. In Cereal, your ex-readers can keep tabs on you and come back in the future.
Coming Soon

Cereal Reads is Free!

Patreon subscriptions may be required to access author content.


Features Included:

E-reader with in-line comments

Bring unlimited subscribers




Featured Included:

Everything from Free

Advanced Customization

Community Engagement Tools

Coming Soon

Cereal Reads doesn't charge readers or show them ads. We don't want to divert direct support of authors!

Don't take a backseat to video and podcast creators!

Give your subscribers the features they expect with a reading first app.

Author Sign Up